Branding is so much more than color, typefaces or style. It’s not about the logo or the tagline either. It’s about transposing the essence of who you are into visuals. We’ll ask you questions like “Why does your business exist?” (Mission), “How do people feel about your brand?” (Positioning) and “What makes you unique?” (Competitive Advantage). Starting from your answers the visual identity of your brand will be shaped. And through it, the perception your customers have about your brand will be transformed.
Branding and Design
We’re telling your story through:
Logo design
Brand book
Business card
Our approach
Brand audit. We’ll first have to find out some information about your business. What are your values, what do you stand for, what was you interaction with your audience up to this point.
Competition analysis. How do brand from your industry look like?
Shaping perception
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